You don’t have to wonder if your giving is making an impact

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For over 75 years, InterVarsity has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses, courageously proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, engaging in discipleship around Scripture, and loving people of every ethnicity and culture. 

As a student in InterVarsity, I found a community of faith at UC, San Diego. It would have been so easy to get lost in the hustle and lose my faith in the process. InterVarsity is where I learned how to hear and trust God’s voice in my life. I began to understand and read the Bible like never before, and I started growing in an appreciation for the incredible diversity God has created in our world.

Hands down, InterVarsity is one of the best organizations I know for helping people fall in love with God. They teach students and churches around the world how to read Scripture more faithfully than I’ve encountered anywhere else. (Fun Fact: my professor in Seminary used to quote InterVarsity when teaching his master’s students how to interpret scripture!)

They have always been at the forefront of seeking out, and learning from all cultures and ethnicities. They helped me, a SoCal white dude, embrace my own ethnic journey and fall in love with the Bible’s vision for a family of God united from every tribe, tongue, nation, and language.

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Tyler’s Role |

Regional Ministry Coordinator

I joined InterVarsity staff out of college to help plant & lead student ministries in North County San Diego. I love reaching such a pivotal age where students are becoming adults and making decisions that will impact their entire life’s trajectory.

Then, in 2015 God called me into local churches where I have loved pastoring families of all ages to grow deeper in God’s Word. Along the way I received my Mdiv from Fuller Seminary, which gave me even more passion to help teach others how to connect faith to all of life.

God has called me back to InterVarsity with a new role and fresh vision! As a regional coordinator I work closely with our staff teams to help them grow deeper in their understanding of the Bible, and grow in their theological foundation. I’ll also be mentoring staff & students in their leadership on campus.

One of the reasons I felt so called back to InterVarsity was the opportunity God opened up for me to continue to pastor both adults and students. As a campus minister I raise all my own support. As people commit to give and pray for God’s movement on the campus, their own faith is impacted in tangible ways. I truly believe that being a part of this ministry puts you on the front-lines of God’s kingdom-mission. And I am doing all I can to funnel all the cutting edge resources and opportunities back to my partners so that they continue to grow deeper in their faith and understanding of God’s Word.


Partner with Tyler’s ministry

I would love to talk about what it could look like to support this amazing ministry! Melanie (my wife) and I have continued personally to give to InterVarsity staff for the past 15 years because we believe so strongly in what they are doing for students and for the local church.

When you join my team I would love to invite you to do three things:

Pray! I will be sending out regular updates with clear ways you can pray for the students and staff we are ministering to. Email me if you’re not already signed up!

Give! My amazing team of monthly and annual supporters allows me to to do this ministry and help people of all ages connect faith in Jesus to every part of their life. I commit to making sure you know how your giving is building up the next generation of Jesus-followers!

Participate! I want my team to be a part of the mission. We’ll engage through things like our weekly 7-minute manuscript studies to grow our faith together, and there will be ongoing opportunities to help advance our ministry to the campus.

Please consider joining my team of ongoing, regular supporters.

My monthly/annual support team enables me to invest in so many lives.

To visit my support page and set up an account click the button below:

You can also give a one-time gift.

These contributions help our ministry grow and I am very grateful.

As a campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA, I raise my own financial support to fund the ministry. All donations are tax-deductible, and InterVarsity is not only a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, but also receives a four-star rating from Charity Navigator. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions.