It shouldn’t be hard to understand God’s Word and apply it in our lives.


Here is a rollout of several easy to digest, resources that you will help your faith come alive. I want to help you understand God’s Word for yourself, apply God’s Word, and impact your family, friends, and coworkers. Take some time to look at what we already have below. More resources are being added all the time!


A crash course for your faith

Here are several simple resources to help you grow. When you sign up below you’ll receive a series of emails with all these free resources for you to use. (you can also click on each individually)

More are being added all the time so check back!

Have ideas? email Tyler with questions you want answered and topics that would help your faith or ministry

Bible Study Skills & Resources

How to study ANY passage

Understanding the bible is part detective, part cave-diver, and part Broadway-actor. Learn the basics of Observation, Interpretation, and Application and start reading the Bible for yourself!

Learn the whole Bible in 6 words

One of the best ways to understand the Bible is to see it as one Big Story. The whole Bible could be summed up in just six words. Here they are.

Observation 101 - a crash-course in seeing what's written

Mastering the art of “observation” is the first and most crucial step to learning how to read and apply God’s Word in your life. Here is a helpful summary of the ways we can help ourselves truly see what is written.

How to Study and entire Book of the Bible

You may be developing your confidence for reading one section of Scripture at a time, but how well can you understand the flow and purpose of entire books? Learning to read at this level is a valuable next step.


3 ways to cultivate your Bible Study instincts

Reading the Bible can start when we are children, but God’s Word can also take a lifetime to master. Here are three ways to cultivate deeper instincts to keep God’s Word alive and new for your entire life.

3 lenses to ‘put on’ before you open your Bible

One of the biggest challenges we face when trying to understand God’s Word for ourselves is the assumptions we bring to the text before we even open the book. Learning how to incorporate Curiosity, Challenge, and Wonder into your approach to the Bible can help us see what is really there.

360-Day Bible Reading Plan

Reading the whole Bible is a great way to grow in your love for God’s Word. I offer my personal Bible-reading plan.

Leadership Skills

Four ways to make your ministry meetings succeed

Whether You are leading a ministry or just volunteering, chances are you’ve been a part of a BORING ministry planning meeting.

Here are four ways to ensure your meetings make an impact