Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 21 - Genesis 18:16-25

What if God wants us to argue?

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What if God expects you to argue? Sometimes we think of faith as some sort of blind obedience, but here God actually invites Abraham into a debate. God's people are invited into the inner circle where faith might be best described as "protest."

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 20 - Genesis 17:15-27

God chose one to save many.

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How did God's choosing of Israel affect the rest of the nations? Does God have a purpose for those outside the covenant family? The answer shouldn't shock us, but it is easy to miss. What if God chose us, not in spite of the rest of the world, but precisely because of them—so that we could be a blessing for the world.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 19 - Genesis 17:1-14

But why this surgery?

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Why did God choose circumcision as a sign of membership in God's family? Well, there are at least two reasons—one has to do with judgment, the other is all about grace. See how this odd surgery actually paves the way for the future multiethnic family of God.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 18 - Genesis 16:1-6

Really Abraham, again?

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Again Abraham? Right after God shows up and promises Abraham and Sarah an incredible future, they are right back at it taking matters into their own hands and putting the whole story in jeopardy! It would seem this couple is just like us in oh so many ways. How God deals with them might give us insight into our own faith today.

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 17 - Genesis 15:7-21

Who can join God’s family?

Watch this week’s Video!

How can we become worthy to be in God's family? Is it something we have to pay for? Something we must earn? Thousands of years before Jesus Abraham found out that the good news of our God was that nothing but faith was required and that when we fail it would be God who pays our debts!

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 16 - Genesis 15:1-6

How we are like stars.

Watch this week’s Video!

Why does God compare us with the stars? When God promises to make a nation from Abraham he tells him to look at the stars. Understanding how the Bible uses that metaphor can give us purpose and direction in our own faith today.

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred


Word study time

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Being righteous, and becoming "justified" form some of the richest theology in the Bible concerning God's character and our relationship with him. These concepts all come down to our understanding of one word. This week we dive into what the Bible says about righteousness. What are the meanings in Greek and Hebrew, and what can we learn in about 10 minutes! Let's go for it!

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 14 - Genesis 12:6-13

We’re not off to a good start.

Watch this week’s Video!

How is it so hard to trust God's promises? Before the ink is even dry Abraham finds a way to spoil everything! What that might mean for the rest of the story, and for us today is very important. Who is God and what will he do with such a messed-up instrument?

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 10 - Genesis 4:1-16

How God treated the first murderer is how God wants to treat you

Watch this week’s Video!

How God treated Cain, the first murderer, tells us a lot about how God wants to treat you. This week we see how "sin" moves from the individual to the family, and how God responds.

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 5 - Genesis 2:15-25

God made one two, so that two could become one

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Why is it not good for humans to be alone? Why does God split one into two, only to have two become one? We're diving into the final section in Genesis 2 to look once more at humanity's original purpose.

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 4 - Genesis 2:4-17

God made you to be a garden-priest

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Why are there two different version of the creation story? This week we look at humanity's mandate to farm and take care of the land. We are God's gardeners. But those words also apply to priests...

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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Tyler Allred Tyler Allred

Week 2 - Genesis 1:14-25

Do the stars actually rule?

Watch this week’s Video!

Our second week in our weekly 7-minute manuscript study! We see how the creation story in Genesis 1 has a pattern and how parts of God's creation mimic some of the same functions that humans will take on later. We talk about why the stars rule.

I’d love to hear your questions and insights! Email me anytime.

Grace and Peace,

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